Indexed in Libsearch
U.S. and global news sources. Run a search on any topic and filter your results by source type or source name. In A-Z Source list you find all sources covered by the database.
Indexed in Libsearch
Articles from ACM covering all aspects of computer science, such as software engineering, database systems, programming, human-computer interaction, e-learning. Alternativ log in, when you sign in directly to ACM interface via sign in > institution > is not working, we are waiting for updates, but proxy access is working, click on the linked title above.
Indexed in Libsearch
Journal articles from American Chemical Society.
Indexed in Libsearch
Altinget aims to publish political news in a neutral and open way and in the same time pass on analysis and debates.
Altinget publish news within different areas either on their webisite or through e-mail.
Altinget's subject areas:
Note! this is only available in Swedish
Altinget's subject areas:
- Care
- Care & welfare
- Civil Society
- Education
- Environment & Energy
- EU
- Housing & Building
- Infrastructure
- Labour Market
- National Politics
- Security
Note! this is only available in Swedish
Reviews of the primary research literature in subjects such as psychology, environment, political science, anthropology, health, sociology.
Indexed in Libsearch
Article index covering health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education.
Indexed in Libsearch
Artikesök contains references to Swedish news paper articles and journal articles.
Books at Danish libraries
Journals covering humanities, law and international law. Fulltext coverage: 2000-
Indexed in Libsearch
Your search results will include Encyclopædia Britannica and Britannica Concise Encyclopedia articles as well as media, web sites, and videos. Magazine and journals from EBSCO and Proquest are also available. Finally, from Merriam-Webster, you will see results for the dictionary and thesaurus as well as the notable quotations.
Encyclopedia Britannica is also available as an app for Iphone and Ipad.
Indexed in Libsearch
Read the library's electronic journals on your phone, tablet or directly on the web. With Browzine, you can search among most of the library's journals, collect your favorite magazines in a bookshelf, save and read articles.
The BFR website has been created to make available all the literature that was produced during almost 60 years. The literature consists of everything from narrower research reports to practical guides directed at the industry. Virtually all subjects in construction and community planning are treated.
When searching you are directly linked to Libris national library catalog showing which library that provides the specific record.
A selection of writings has been scanned in its entirety to PDF format .
When searching you are directly linked to Libris national library catalog showing which library that provides the specific record.
A selection of writings has been scanned in its entirety to PDF format .
Indexed in Libsearch
Article index covering nursing and related subjects. In this Cinahl profile the search box is cleared after each search, and thesaurus terms explode by default.
Indexed in Libsearch
The Cochrane Library consists of a collection of evidence-based medicine databases:
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and Clinical Answers.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and Clinical Answers.
Indexed in Libsearch
NB! Only for researchers and doctoral students at Malmo University.
Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic literature reviews. It supports citation review, full-text review, risk of bias assessment, extraction of study characteristics and results, and export of data and references.
Fill in the form below to get access to the tool provided by the library
If you want to read and learn more about covidence please visit the support page,
Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic literature reviews. It supports citation review, full-text review, risk of bias assessment, extraction of study characteristics and results, and export of data and references.
Fill in the form below to get access to the tool provided by the library
If you want to read and learn more about covidence please visit the support page,
In the Digital Research Room you can search digitised collections and databases such as, Church archives, Court archives and much more.
Note! All in swedish
Note! All in swedish
DOAJ covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
Indexed in Libsearch
Research publications and student theses from Malmö University.
Student essays from many Swedish universities and university colleges, Malmö University included.
DOAB provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books.
Indexed in Libsearch
- Current Digest Soviet/Russian Domestic Policy Series - 1991-93, 1993 to 1995 and 1996, 3 volumes.
- Current Digest USSR Today Series - translations of Soviet press articles 1977-91, 4 volumes.
- Countdown to War in Georgia: Russia's Foreign Policy and Media Coverage of the Conflict in South Ossetia and Abkhazia
Ebook Central contains a large number of e-books within several subjects.
Indexed in Libsearch
EBSCO is a plattform for several databases, i.e. ERIC and SPORTDiscus.
Indexed in Libsearch
Ebsco eBook collection contains eBooks within a broad area of subjects.
By creating an account on the platform you will be able to create booksmarks, make notes etc.
By creating an account on the platform you will be able to create booksmarks, make notes etc.
Indexed in Libsearch
Journals articles covering scholarly research and information relating to all areas of education. Topics covered include all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education.
Indexed in Libsearch
Journals from Emerald covering management and business economics, engineering, health and social care, education and library studies.
Indexed in Libsearch
Corpora for English and American Studies
English-Corpora.org is one of the most widely used collections of texts in the English language.
Using the corpora, characteristics of a language, (lexical, syntactic, phontetic, etc), can be made visible and quantifiable.
The ERIC database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide access to educational-related literature. ERIC provides coverage of journal articles, conferences, meetings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books and monographs.
Indexed in Libsearch
The ERIC database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide access to educational-related literature. ERIC provides coverage of journal articles, conferences, meetings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books and monographs.
Indexed in Libsearch
A compilation of science performance statistics and science trends data based on journal article publication counts and citation data from Web of Science™.
At European Patent Office you will find several databases that can be used to find patent information.
Books on Finnish libraries
The Swedish Peace Archives (fka. Folke Bernadotte-samlingarna) collect, digitize and make documentation available about Swedish participation in international peace support operations over the years. The material can be accessed free of charge in a digital database and through digital exhibitions, which in several cases are also available in English. A personal account is required.
Collections of dictionaires and encyclopedias on several different subjects. Cross-search all resources or search each reference work individually.
Indexed in Libsearch
Geological data for research, education and cultural work.
the Geodata Portal is accessible for users within Malmo University.
Note! The Geodata Portal is only available in Swedish.
the Geodata Portal is accessible for users within Malmo University.
Note! The Geodata Portal is only available in Swedish.
Database of digitized plant specimens.
Google Scholar is an alternative to Libsearch when searching for scientific articles. You need to change the settings in Google Scholar to display the full text link if the library has the article. Go to Library Links in Google Scholar settings.
Search for Malmö University and select Malmö University - Fulltext via Mau.
Indexed in Libsearch
The Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik, (Historical Dictionary of Rhetoric) is a comprehensive academic reference work in the field of Rhetoric.
Various search criteria (lemma, keyword, person, literature, etc.) allow targeted research and make the articles easily accessible, also for scholars in related disciplines. The articles are thematically linked to each other so as to provide the reader with comprehensive information.
Various search criteria (lemma, keyword, person, literature, etc.) allow targeted research and make the articles easily accessible, also for scholars in related disciplines. The articles are thematically linked to each other so as to provide the reader with comprehensive information.
Indexed in Libsearch
IEEE Xplore includes journals and conferences in all areas of communications, computing, electrical engineering and much more. Access to standards is also included.
Indexed in Libsearch
This Encyclopedia is the largest encyclopedia in the social and behavioral sciences. You can search and browse for subjects as history, linguistics, philosophy, education, political science, economics, sociology and many others.
Indexed in Libsearch
Current issues, from 2017-
Journal Citation Reports allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data. Journal Citation Reports can show you the most frequently cited journals in a field and the highest impact journals in a field.
In Journals A-Z you browse Malmö University's subscribed journals.
Only in Swedish!
Access only for students and staff at Malmo University.
JP Arbetsrättsnet is a service adopted to the area of labor law. Here you can find a wide range of news coverage, practice, preparatory work, constitutions, relevant authority regulations and guidance documents. The material concerns employment, relocation, dismissal, working hours, discrimination, collective agreements and much more.
Access only for students and staff at Malmo University.
JP Arbetsrättsnet is a service adopted to the area of labor law. Here you can find a wide range of news coverage, practice, preparatory work, constitutions, relevant authority regulations and guidance documents. The material concerns employment, relocation, dismissal, working hours, discrimination, collective agreements and much more.
Only in Swedish!
Access only for students and staff at Malmo University.
JP Förvaltningsnet is a service adapted to the study of administrative law. The service provides access to all sources of administrative law, searchable and clearly organised, with comments and explanations on how different laws are used and interpreted.
Access only for students and staff at Malmo University.
JP Förvaltningsnet is a service adapted to the study of administrative law. The service provides access to all sources of administrative law, searchable and clearly organised, with comments and explanations on how different laws are used and interpreted.
Only in Swedish!
Access only for students and staff at Malmö University.
JP Infonet collects all basic legal material such as laws, regulations, preparatory work, judgments and decisions. Guidance documents, forms and checklists are also available here. Malmö University has access to Arbetsrättsnet, Förvaltningsnet, Migrationsnet, Sjukvårdsnet, Skolnet and Socialnet.
Access only for students and staff at Malmö University.
JP Infonet collects all basic legal material such as laws, regulations, preparatory work, judgments and decisions. Guidance documents, forms and checklists are also available here. Malmö University has access to Arbetsrättsnet, Förvaltningsnet, Migrationsnet, Sjukvårdsnet, Skolnet and Socialnet.
Only in Swedish!
Access only for students and staff at Malmö University.
JP Migrationnet is a service adapted to the study of migration law. The service provides access to all sources of migration law, searchable and clearly organised, with comments and explanations on the use and interpretation of different laws.
Access only for students and staff at Malmö University.
JP Migrationnet is a service adapted to the study of migration law. The service provides access to all sources of migration law, searchable and clearly organised, with comments and explanations on the use and interpretation of different laws.
Only in Swedish!
Access only for students and staff at Malmö University.
JP Sjukvårdsnet is a resource containing constitutions, preparatory work, judgments, decisions and guiding documents in healthcare law.
Access only for students and staff at Malmö University.
JP Sjukvårdsnet is a resource containing constitutions, preparatory work, judgments, decisions and guiding documents in healthcare law.
Only in Swedish!
Access only for students and staff at Malmö University
JP Skolnet is a service that contains analyses, summaries of judgments and decisions, legal commentaries on each section of the School Act and a large question bank. The service contains the regulations for preschool and educational care, preschool class, elementary school, upper secondary school, upper secondary special school and municipal adult education.
Access only for students and staff at Malmö University
JP Skolnet is a service that contains analyses, summaries of judgments and decisions, legal commentaries on each section of the School Act and a large question bank. The service contains the regulations for preschool and educational care, preschool class, elementary school, upper secondary school, upper secondary special school and municipal adult education.
Only in Swedish!
Access only for students and staff at Malmö University.
JP Socialnet is a tool for obtaining and utilising legal information in the field of social law. The system, which is updated daily, contains extensive databases of laws, preparatory works and judgements. The tool also includes explanatory comments on all major laws in the field of social law, as well as a pedagogical review of legal sources, interpretation and searching for legal information.
Access only for students and staff at Malmö University.
JP Socialnet is a tool for obtaining and utilising legal information in the field of social law. The system, which is updated daily, contains extensive databases of laws, preparatory works and judgements. The tool also includes explanatory comments on all major laws in the field of social law, as well as a pedagogical review of legal sources, interpretation and searching for legal information.
Journals and books in social sciences and humanities. JSTOR is unique in that complete archives of these journals have been digitised, starting with the very first issues, many of which were published as far back as the nineteenth century. The most recently published issues (past 3-5 years) are not available in JSTOR but may be available at Malmo University Library. Malmö University has access to "JSTOR Archival Journals and Primary Source Collection" and books from the subject collections Political Science, Language & Literature and Sociology.
Indexed in Libsearch
In Karger you find journals and digital full-text versions of books in medicine and dentistry. Journal fulltext coverage: 1998-
Indexed in Libsearch
Karnov Open contains all Swedish laws and regulations. But there are no comments or references as in the printed Sveriges Rikes Lag.
Klara is a database from the National Chemicals Inspectorate.
In the database of chemicals you can search for product name, CAS number och article number. You will find information regarding classification, fact sheets etc.
In the management of chemical substances you need to log in and this is a tool for the employees working with chemical substances at the university. To get log in details you need to have taken part in internal education for the university.
In the database of chemicals you can search for product name, CAS number och article number. You will find information regarding classification, fact sheets etc.
In the management of chemical substances you need to log in and this is a tool for the employees working with chemical substances at the university. To get log in details you need to have taken part in internal education for the university.
Knowledge Unlatched (KU) makes scholarly content freely available to everyone and contributes to the further development of the Open Access (OA) infrastructure.
Kompass is a provider of business to business information. You find companies, products and services in all sectors of industry and economic activity.
Kriterium is a portal for the review and publication of high-quality academic books. Kriterium is a new quality mark for Swedish academic books.
To obtain the Kriterium stamp of approval, all publications will undergo a stringent peer review according to set guidelines. All books with the Kriterium mark will be freely available online on open access.
To obtain the Kriterium stamp of approval, all publications will undergo a stringent peer review according to set guidelines. All books with the Kriterium mark will be freely available online on open access.
Indexed in Libsearch
Lagrummet.se is a portal for the Swedish public administration legal information. At lagrummet.se you will find legal information from:
- The Government
- Riksdagen (the Swedish Parliament)
- hHgher Courts
- Public Authorities
When prescribing, situations can sometimes arise where medicines that are approved in Sweden cannot be used for various reasons. When that occurs, the prescriber may use other options to gain access to appropriate medicines.
Facts and figures on countries, presented by The Swedish Institute of International Affairs.
University of Gothenburg has digitized all of the Swedish older school development programmes.
In Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (LNCS) you will find conference proceedings, workshops and monographs within Computer Science.
The book series started in 1973 and is updated yearly with about 400 volumes.
The book series started in 1973 and is updated yearly with about 400 volumes.
At Lexin you will find dictionaries in fifthteen different minority languages, as well as images and shorter videos. You can also listen to the pronunciation of the Swedish word.
Find an article by DOI or PMID.
Article index for library professionals and other information specialists. Coverage: 1969-current.
Indexed in Libsearch
Article index for library professionals and other information specialists. Coverage: mid-1960s – current.
Indexed in Libsearch
In LIBRIS, you find information about books at all Swedish university libraries, most of the Swedish research libraries and some public libraries. When accessing LIBRIS via Malmö University Library webpages, our libraries are choosen as My libraries and gives access to inter-library loan forms and more.
This is the library’s search tool for books and journal articles. It’s set to show what you have access to via the library. You can widen your search by unticking the field limitation “Electronic and printed material via the library”. You can limit your search to “Scholarly and peer review” or specific time period, subject etc. Libsearch is Malmö University’s version of the discovery service EDS from EBSCO.
Use this link to the Library search if you're not studying or working at Malmö University.
Indexed in Libsearch
A full text search tool for handbooks and encyclopedias. The service is a version of EDS discovery from EBSCO and is under test.
Contains ASM handbooks, Britannica, Oxford, Routledge Handbooks, SAGE Research Methods Foundations, etc
Contains ASM handbooks, Britannica, Oxford, Routledge Handbooks, SAGE Research Methods Foundations, etc
This is a complementary tool to the library’s search tool Libsearch. It’s set to go beyond what we have access to via the library.
Libsearch - supplement is a version of the discovery service EDS from EBSCO.
Libsearch - supplement is a version of the discovery service EDS from EBSCO.
The database covers aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,500 serials publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, and dissertations.
Coverage: 1973 – current.
Indexed in Libsearch
Search in Libsearch for Malmö University books and journal articles.
Indexed in Libsearch
Covers the literature of mathematics and its applications in related fields, such as statistics, computer science and engineering. Coverage: 1940-current
Indexed in Libsearch
Covers the literature of mathematics and its applications in related fields, such as statistics, computer science and engineering. Coverage: 1940-current
Indexed in Libsearch
Articles from Swedish newspapers and magazines. It is updated on a daily basis and goes back to the 1980s.
Medline is the largest information source if you are searching for journal articles in medicine, odontology and nursing. Coverage: 1966-present. In this Medline profile the search box is cleared after each search, and thesaurus terms explode by default.
Indexed in Libsearch
Medline is the largest information source if you are searching for journal articles in medicine, odontology and nursing. Coverage: 1966-present
Indexed in Libsearch
Indexed in Libsearch
This database covers literature related to research, policy and practice in criminal and juvenile justice and drug control.
The National Archival Database (NAD) contains information about records from individuals, estates, organizations, businesses and authorities and holds information on the fonds of circa 150 000 Swedish archives, including the National Registry of Private Archives.
Please note: this database is only in Swedish.
Please note: this database is only in Swedish.
Journals from Nature Publishing Group, the Library subscribes to about 10 journals.
Indexed in Libsearch
Videos from UR.
In the dictionaries of NE you can find books in several languages.
NE.se is the online version of the well known Swedish encyclopedia.
- go to Access World News Research Collection (NewsBank)
New, quality-assured Scandinavian research on 0-6 year-old children in early childhood education and care. This database is for all who are interested in pedagogy and in the development of the daycare area. The database is updated annually and contains quality-assured research from 2006-2020.
Nordic Africa Institute's e-resources
Africa-focused e-resources such as e-books, news, newspapers, magazines, bibliographies, fiction, etc, mainly in social sciences.
Researchers and students at the University of Malmö can apply to gain access to the e-resources at the Nordic African Institute. More information and application at the Nordic Africa Institute's library.
Researchers and students at the University of Malmö can apply to gain access to the e-resources at the Nordic African Institute. More information and application at the Nordic Africa Institute's library.
The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is a forum and knowledge hub for data, analysis and best practices in public policy.
Oria.no is the national library catalogue for Noway
Scholarly journals and e-books from Oxford University Press. Covers disciplines such as social sciences, law, humanities, medicine, life science, mathematics and physical science. Journal coverage: 1996-current.
Indexed in Libsearch
Oxford Dictionary of English is a dictionary focusing on English as it is used today.
The OED covers words from across the English-speaking world, from North America to South Africa, from Australia and New Zealand to the Caribbean. It also offers the best in etymological analysis and in listing of variant spellings, and it shows pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
A collection of dictionaries and encyclopedias on several different subjects. Cross-search all resources or search each reference work individually.
Indexed in Libsearch
Extensive encyclopedia in International studies. Peer reviewed and updated regularly.
The PAIS database contains references to journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies and more.
Indexed in Libsearch
PRV's online service Swedish Patent Database is a completely free search service with a user-friendly interface.
The Swedish Patent Database covers:
The patent database includes all the information and documents which are in PRV's archives, spanning from 1885 until the present day. For older patent material, the information may be limited.
The Swedish Patent Database covers:
- Swedish patents
- Swedish public patent applications
- European patents (EP patents) validated in Sweden
- EP applications published under §88 of the Patents Act
- Granted EP patents where Sweden is designated, meaning the applicant has clearly requested that the patent be made valid in Sweden. (Searchable in the database for six months from EPO’s grant date.)
- Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs) and extensions to SPCs for patents
The patent database includes all the information and documents which are in PRV's archives, spanning from 1885 until the present day. For older patent material, the information may be limited.
The articels in Project MUSE covers the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, gender studies and many others. The fulltext coverage vary, but are often from year 2000 and onwards.
Indexed in Libsearch
ProQuest is a plattform for several databases, i.e. Sociological Abstracts and ABI/INFORM Global.
Full-text articles from over 50 journals published by the APA Journals™ and affiliated journals.
Indexed in Libsearch
Article index covering psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines.
Indexed in Libsearch
Article index covering psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines. In this PsycInfo profile the search box is cleared after each search, and thesaurus terms explode by default.
Indexed in Libsearch
Indexed in Libsearch
Business information including annual accounts for Swedish companies.
– go to Mediearkivet
Riksarkivets digitala arkiv
- see Digitala forskarsalen or Nationell Arkivdatabas (all in swedish)
Indexed in Libsearch
SAGE Business Cases is a discipline-wide digital collection. These cases bring business to life – inspiring researchers to develop their own best practices and prepare for professional success.
Indexed in Libsearch
Sage offers full text access to journals in the social sciences, humanities, and life sciences. Fulltext coverage: 1999-
Indexed in Libsearch
You can search and browse for subjects as education, environment, sociology, international relations, social work, research methods and more.
Indexed in Libsearch
Sage Research Methods Cases is a collection of case studies of real social research that faculty can use in their teaching. Cases are original, specially commissioned, and designed to help students understand often abstract methodological concepts by introducing them to case studies of real research projects.
Indexed in Libsearch
SAGE Research Methods Datasets is a collection of teaching datasets and instructional guides that give students a chance to learn data analysis by practicing themselves. The datasets, are indexed by method and data type,
SAGE Research Methods Video contains more than 125 hours of video, including tutorials, case study videos, expert interviews, and more.
Sage Research Methods is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. Sage Research Methods links book, journal and reference content with advanced search and discovery tools.
Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since Sage Research Methods focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more.
With Sage Research Methods, researchers can explore their chosen method across the depth and breadth of content, expanding or refining their search as needed; read online, print, or email full-text content; utilize suggested related methods and links to related authors from SRMO's robust library and unique features; and even share their own collections of content through Methods Lists.
Sage Research Methods contains content from over 640 books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks, the entire “Little Green Book,” and Little Blue Book” series, two Major Works collating a selection of journal articles, and newly commissioned videos.
You also have access to the part of SRMO called Cases, Datasets and Video.
Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since Sage Research Methods focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more.
With Sage Research Methods, researchers can explore their chosen method across the depth and breadth of content, expanding or refining their search as needed; read online, print, or email full-text content; utilize suggested related methods and links to related authors from SRMO's robust library and unique features; and even share their own collections of content through Methods Lists.
Sage Research Methods contains content from over 640 books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks, the entire “Little Green Book,” and Little Blue Book” series, two Major Works collating a selection of journal articles, and newly commissioned videos.
You also have access to the part of SRMO called Cases, Datasets and Video.
Indexed in Libsearch
In ScienceDirect you search full text articles from scholarly journals. Disciplines covered: biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, engineering and social sciences. Coverage: 1995- Alternativ log in, when you sign in directly to ScienceDirect interface via My account > Sign in via your institution > is not working at the moment, but proxy access is working, click on the linked title above.
Indexed in Libsearch
Use the below link to create an account. You must be physically on campus when registering.
Scimago Journal & Country Rank allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data.
Scopus is an abstract and citation database containing scientific articles, conference papers and book chapters in many different subject areas. You also get access to Scopus AI, an add-on using generative AI.
Indexed in Libsearch
Scopus AI is a search function in Scopus that is based on AI. You can use natural language to ask questions about various topics. The result is based on the abstracts of the Scopus database and is provided as a summary with references. You can also further explore the topic via an extended summary, or a concept map. Use Scopus AI to explore topics, but think of it as a supplement to traditional database searches.
A free, AI-powered academic search engine with more than 200 million papers covering all disciplines.
SIS is a web service giving access to current standards.
The standards we have access to will be kept up to date through our licems.
Even standards that we don't have access to can be pre-viewed e.g. you can read abstract and table of content.
The standards we have access to will be kept up to date through our licems.
Even standards that we don't have access to can be pre-viewed e.g. you can read abstract and table of content.
Please note, this is only in Swedish
SIS Bygghandlingar provides instructions for drafting construction documents based on Swedish and international standards, supplemented by Swedish practice.
Sections 1–7 deal with the common forms for reporting construction projects. The other sections deal specifically with reporting land facilities, buildings and installations respectively.
SIS Bygghandlingar provides instructions for drafting construction documents based on Swedish and international standards, supplemented by Swedish practice.
Sections 1–7 deal with the common forms for reporting construction projects. The other sections deal specifically with reporting land facilities, buildings and installations respectively.
- Links to underlying standards make it easy to get to the source material
- Ability to extract and attach specific instruction sections to your construction projects
- Clear instructions interspersed with example images give you comprehensive guidance
Sociological Abstracts contains references to journals, books and conferences in sociology and related disciplines. Social Services Abstract is included. Coverage: 1952-present
Indexed in Libsearch
This database consists of Government Official Reports (SOU).
1922 to 1996 has been scanned by the Royal Library (Swedish link) (KB) and 1997 - to current year from Swedish Parliament open data.
1922 to 1996 has been scanned by the Royal Library (Swedish link) (KB) and 1997 - to current year from Swedish Parliament open data.
Browse through digtialized Swedish Government Official Reports published between 1922 until 1999.
Indexed in Libsearch
Browse or search through the Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU) published from 1999 forward.
Indexed in Libsearch
In Sportdiscus you find full text articles as well as references to journal articles, books, book chapters and proceedings in sport, fitness and related disciplines.
Indexed in Libsearch
Articles from scholarly journals in medicine, engineering, natural science and economics from Springer Nature. You also have access to ebooks on Engineering, Computer Science, Education and Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Indexed in Libsearch
Bibliographic database containing references to articles in Scandinavian journals within medicine, dentistry, health care services, occupational therapy, nursing care and physical therapy. The database only covers articles up until 2020.
Indexed in Libsearch
Only available for students and staff at Malmö University.
In Svensk byggtjänst you will find information about construction engineering and management of buildnings. As a student you need to register to be able to use the web services in Svensk byggtjänst.
In Svensk byggtjänst you will find information about construction engineering and management of buildnings. As a student you need to register to be able to use the web services in Svensk byggtjänst.
This audiovisual collection includes TV and radio programs broadcast in Sweden, movies played in theaters, videos distributed in Sweden, Swedish music and multimedia recordings.
Översätt medicinska ord från svenska till engelska, eller tvärtom och kolla om orden finns som MeSh-termer.
An important task for SND is to make Swedish research data visible and accessible for secondary analysis. Studies that begin with "SND" are deposited at SND and most of these can be ordered or downloaded.
Svenska Akademiens ordlista SAOL and Svenska Akademiens ordbok SAOB.
A register of peer-reviewed publication channels in SwePub.
Digitized Swedish newspapers. Only newspapers older than 115 years are freely available. Newspapers younger than 115 years can be read only on the dedicated computer at Orkanen Library. The newspapers are available on the site 2-4 months after publication.
Indexed in Libsearch
Taylor & Francis have e-books especially within Engineering, Environmental Sciences, and Technology but also within Humanities and Social Science.
Indexed in Libsearch
Journals from Taylor & Francis, Routledge and Psychology Press. Most of the journals cover the subject areas Social Science, Humanities or Science and Technolgy.
We have access to Taylor & Francis-packages Social Science & Humanities (SSH) and Science & Technology (S&T) and Medical Library, from 1997-
We have access to Taylor & Francis-packages Social Science & Humanities (SSH) and Science & Technology (S&T) and Medical Library, from 1997-
Indexed in Libsearch
In Tidskrifter A-Ö you browse Malmö University's subscribed journals.
Ulrichsweb is a source of bibliographic and publisher information on more than 300,000 periodicals of all types–academic and scholarly journals, Open Access publications, peer-reviewed titles and more.
At USPTO you will find both patent and trademark databases as well as tutorials.
Student essays from Swedish universities and university colleges, Malmo University included.
Climate and climate change yesterday, today and in the future.
Note! Only in Swedish.
In Countries of the World (Världens länder) you can find facts about all the countries in the world. Find differences and similarities between countries. Look at maps and find information about international co-operations and agreements.
Note! Only in Swedish
Note! Only in Swedish
The Visible body features a complete, searchable, online and fully interactive 3D human anatomy model.
Malmö University have access to the following modules of Visible Body
Use the link above, do not go straight to App store or Google Play. Not all versions of Android supports the app.
Manual from Ovid
Malmö University have access to the following modules of Visible Body
- Human Anatomy Atlas 2018
- Muscle Premium 2018
- Skeleton premium
- Physiology Animations
- Heart & Circulatory premium
Use the link above, do not go straight to App store or Google Play. Not all versions of Android supports the app.
Manual from Ovid
- The first time you download and open the app on a mobile device, you must be connected to the Mau's network (Eduroam).
- Once the app is downloaded, it can be used offline or online both on and off University.
- In order to continue using the app, you need to open it in the Mau's network every three months.
Our subscription to Web of Science includes these indexes:
Core Collection:
Only part of Web of Science is included in Libsearch.
Core Collection:
- Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), 1900-
- Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), 1900-
- Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), 1975-
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI-S, CPCI_SSH), 1900-
- Book Citation Index (BKCI-S, SSH), 2005-
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), 2005-
- Current Chemical Reactions (CCR-EXPANDED), 1985-
- Index Chemicus (IC), 1993-
- Current Contents Connect
- Data Citation Index
- Derwent Innovations Index
- Grants Index
- KCI - Korean Journal Database
- Preprint Citation Index
- ProQuest Dissertation s& Theses Citation Index
- SciELO Citation Index
Only part of Web of Science is included in Libsearch.
Indexed in Libsearch
Browse, search, and explore journals indexed in the Web of Science.
Journals and e-books from Wiley. Subject areas include science, medicine, technology, business, social sciences, and the humanities. Journal fulltext access generally from 1997. Alternativ log in, when you sign in directly to Wiley interface via Log in> Institutional Login > is not working at the moment, but proxy access is working, click on the linked title above.
Indexed in Libsearch
Note! Wordfinder is only available for staff and students.
Wordfinder gives access to several hundreds of dictionaries in several languages and can be used on both computers and mobile devices. You can choose and save dictionaries in your book shelf.
Log in
Log in through the Microsoft log in (if you have a personal account since before, please log out first by clicking on the cogwheel.)
Use your UPN
Staff: firstname.lastname@mau.se, students: username@mau.se you will now be redirected to the correct server.
Log in with your UPN (computer id + @mau.se) and your password.
To save your favorite dictionaries choose the cogwheel and Dictionaries.
Staff and computers within the library
Staff can choose to download Wordfinder through the company portal and integrate with for example MS Word. Wordfinder is installed on computers within the library. To save your favorite dictionaries go to the online version, choose the cogwheel and Dictionaries.
Manual Wordfinder for Windows.
Wordfinder gives access to several hundreds of dictionaries in several languages and can be used on both computers and mobile devices. You can choose and save dictionaries in your book shelf.
Log in
Log in through the Microsoft log in (if you have a personal account since before, please log out first by clicking on the cogwheel.)
Use your UPN
Staff: firstname.lastname@mau.se, students: username@mau.se you will now be redirected to the correct server.
Log in with your UPN (computer id + @mau.se) and your password.
To save your favorite dictionaries choose the cogwheel and Dictionaries.
Staff and computers within the library
Staff can choose to download Wordfinder through the company portal and integrate with for example MS Word. Wordfinder is installed on computers within the library. To save your favorite dictionaries go to the online version, choose the cogwheel and Dictionaries.
Manual Wordfinder for Windows.
Sök böcker och se vilka bibliotek i världen som har dem.
Search for books in library catalogues word wide.
Access only on campus. Licensed for two simultaneous users.
Access only on campus. Licensed for two simultaneous users.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts contains references to articles, books and book chapters in international relations, public administration, comparative politics, political economy and other subjects in politics sciences.
Coverage: 1975 - current
Coverage: 1975 - current
Indexed in Libsearch